Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Time

This is a quick recap of what we've been up to so far this summer. Every morning when I wander into their room this is what I find. Matthew crawls into Lilly's crib every morning and wakes her up.

Lilly is our sweet little girl.  She is usually very happy.  At her last trip to the doctor's Lilly was in the 25% for weight and the 50% for height.  She loves to watch the movie Tangled and play with her brother's toys.

Matthew's been working on potty training, it's pretty back and forth with him.  But I have learned that Matthew only does things by his watch.  So basically he will do it when he is ready.

Lilly loves to pose for pictures!

This is Matthew's "hide and seek spot".

On Memorial day.

Lilly with her favorite toy, Mrs. Potato Head's pures.

Matthew pretending to be a ninja with my exercise bands.

Matthew running through the sprinklers in our front yard.

This was the moment Matthew realized the ice cream man actually has ice cream.  Thanks grandpa :)

And Lilly started crawling!!

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