Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So Sweet!

I love Matthew's Halloween costume, he's not so fond of it but I am. His Grandma Woessner bought it for him a month after he was born. We saw it at Babies' R'Us, and Grandma couldn't help her self. Matthews nursery theme is dinosaurs by the way, so we have a tendency to buy anything and everything having to do with dinosaurs. Halloween has always been a big deal for me, it signifies the beginning of the holiday season. Sometimes I'm so excited to get the holiday season started, I can barely restrain myself from decorating for Halloween on the 1st of August. Matthews growing so fast I just hope that his Halloween costume still fits him by the time the big night rolls around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe Auntie Merrie luvs his costume!!!<3