Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day

This year for Valentine's Day Rick and I decided to take the family on a little trip. Sunday morning we loaded up the car and headed south. We first stopped in La Mirada where Rick's Grandparents live. Rick's grandpa just turned 85! There was a big party planed for the day before but Rick had to work and we couldn't attend. So we spent several hours at their home visiting and having a good time. Matthew really enjoyed himself! One of Rick's aunts brought over a bunch of trains and tracks. Matthew had a blast playing trains with his Great-Grandma!

We then headed over to the Red Lion in Anaheim where we were staying the night. We unloaded, then got the stroller out and went for a walk. We walked over to Down Town Disney and watched their Valentine's Day firework show. Then we headed back to the hotel for some sleep.

The next morning we checked out and headed to Disneyland! We had a lot of fun! Matthew got to see his two favorite Disney character, Lightning McQueen and Mater. He loved ridding the train!! Lilly did really well she was happy most of the day! We got to see lots of fun characters, and we also got to meet up with our friend Kimi! After spending the day at Disneyland we met Eric and Kimi at The Cheese Cake Factory for some dinner. We have really missed spending time with Eric and Kimi since they moved down south, so it was really nice being able to get together with them! We had a very fun Valentine's day and we had a blast spending it together as a family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You totally stole my background...>:(